This is a 3 Stage process.
Stage I involves creating a holistic context for each client using holistic management principles. Post that, we conduct online meetings with the clients along with initial site visit for generating How to’s, getting a clear idea of the land and the client’s objectives.
This stage also involves getting Topographical and other relevant survey maps done. Currently we have capabilities to provide these only with rudimentary tools such as an A Frame or a Bunyip Level. However, we recommend using a third party to get comprehensive and highly accurate DEM data or contour maps which will assist us in generating accurate designs.
Stage II is to sketch broad concepts and patterns for development and management of the broader landscape using Keyline design and permaculture methodologies along with conceptual planning for functions and productivity, zoning.
Stage III can be the development of the final technical design with detailed technical plans (various layers such as climate, geography, water, roads, trees & agriculture, infrastructure, fencing, soil building, economy) and implementation drafts based on clients expectations and budgets.
These services can be availed with varying levels of commitments, budgets and expectations:
Implementation Guidance : Project scopes can either involve a basic Mapping, Planning and Design Service commitment along with a staged implementation plan which will help you in executing the project yourself. Turnkey Implementation: In this type of collaboration, we handle most of the execution of the project. A detailed project report is shared including detailed BOQs that provide estimates to design development dimensions, materials & costs, handling of onground teams, timelines, etc. This type of engagement requires a contractual agreement to be signed by the client with Anityatva.
Turnkey Implementation: In this type of collaboration, we handle most of the execution of the project. A detailed project report is shared including detailed BOQs that provide estimates to design development dimensions, materials & costs, handling of onground teams, timelines, etc. This type of engagement requires a contractual agreement to be signed by the client with Anityatva.
Interested? Use the contact form below for further discussion.